 What we offer
 Programme Cost
 Internship Programme
 Internship Cost
 How to be a Member
 Terms and Conditions





Volunteering - Terms of Agreement

A. All applicants must be 18 years of age or above.
B. The duration of the voluntary program is flexible but a minimum of two months to a maximum of one year is preferable. The duration of other projects is more flexible and depends on the type of project and the concerned participants. The duration and intensity of stay is negotiated upon ideally before participants arrival.

Volunteering - Financial Matters and more...

If participant have paid the program fee and later for any reason cancels the trip, they will not get their program fee returned to them if one month notice is not given but if it happens that  is notified a percentage would be given.
B. If participant leaves Tamale earlier then planned, Rescod-Ghana is not required to pay the program fee back.
C. If circumstances beyond control by the participant occurs or Rescod-Ghana cancels the program earlier then planned part of the program fee will be paid back depending on program time elapsed.
D. If Rescod-Ghana is not for some reason fulfilling its duties, the program fee will be paid back.

Participants obligations:
During their stay in Ghana participants:
• should always be on time to work.
• should always work on the hours decided upon.
• should follow the rules given by Rescod-Ghana staff or work placement staff.
• should respect the rules of the host family / other accommodation.

Rescod-Ghana's Responsibilities
For participants who attend the voluntary program, Rescod-Ghana has the responsibility to find a workplace and a host family. For participants who attend an educational program, Rescod-Ghana has the responsibility to arrange the program and find the participant a host family. Rescod-Ghana will always be available to help with all that is possible and to answer questions.
B. Rescod-Ghana will pick up participants from the airport in Accra.
C. When visa extension is needed, Rescod-Ghana takes the responsibility in extending it when they find it appropriate. The additional costs will be at participant's own expense.